Vetri Maaran’s Visaranai that was selected for the 72nd International Film Festival of Venice bags an award under the title, Amnesty International Italy’s Cinema for Human Rights”.This film has made the Indian film fraternity proud with all these laurels that it is bringing home.

“Many other films in competition had not dealt the various aspects of human rights with sensitivity and originality. But Visaranai taken from the experience of a survivor, now an activist on Human rights, prevailed over the others.”, stated Riccardo Noury, spokesperson Amnesty International Italy.

Other officials part of the jury have appreciated the camera work by Rama Lingam that has emoted volumes of unspoken emotions. With an unconventional narration technique and sleek visuals, Visaranai is a tale of a tragic, unjust incident.

The film should be given the same respect back home when it sets out for a theatrical release. Behindwoods requests film patrons to support such masterclass films in all possible ways. The simplest way is to watch the film in theatres.
